Church of God at Baden By-Laws



The name of this church shall be the, CHURCH OF GOD AT BADEN. ARTICLE II. OBJECT.

The object of this church shall be the salvation of souls, the spiritual growth and training of its members through the teaching of God’s word, the promotion of Godly worship, the administration of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the world-wide proclamation of God’s saving grace and His sanctifying power expressed in the shed blood and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary, and cooperation with other Christian activity functioning in harmony with God’s Holy Word, the Bible.


The Covenant of this church shall be as follows:

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We agree therefore by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagement and exemplary in our deportment and zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior.

We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.


The doctrines of this church shall be those contained in the New Testament with particular emphasis on the following;

1: The scripture are infallible. 2 Peter 1:20-21 

2: The scriptural truth concerning the naturally sinful condition of all men apart from saving grace and their consequent need of salvation. Matthew 15:19Romans 3: 9-18.

3: The Atonement. John 3:16Romans 5:181 Timothy 2:62 Peter 3:9.

4: The necessity of repentance for sins. Matthew 9:13Luke 13: 3-5Acts 17: 302 Corinthians 7:10,11.

5: Justification. Acts 13: 38,39Romans 5:18:161 John 4:7Revelation 19:8.

6: Regeneration (being quickened into spiritual life by the Holy Spirit) of the sinner who is dead in trespasses and sins, which gracious work of the Divine Spirit accompanies justification. John 3:3 5Ephesians 2:1Colossians 2:13Titus 3:15:

7: Entire Sanctification (being delivered from inborn sin). Luke 1:73-75Hebrews 10: 14,15.


Section 1. Admission.

The requirements for membership in this church shall be as follows:

A confession of faith in salvation from sin through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; subscribing to the Covenant in Article m; approval and recommendation to the

church for membership by the membership committee, which shall consist of the pastor and the chairman of the deacons and acceptance by a vote of the church. The pastor

and his wife shall be considered a member automatically upon their request. Other members of the pastor’s family shall be subject to the same requirements for membership as any other person.

Section 2. Rights.

Every member has the right and is expected to attend, support, take part in, and enjoy all the meetings for worship and business. Each member in good standing is entitled to one vote in any church business meeting, provided however that only those members of the age of 18 or older may vote on any matter pertaining to the lease, purchase, mortgage or sale of real property or the election of a pastor, trustee or deacon. Only those present in person at the meeting may vote, no absentee or proxy voting shall be permitted.

Section 3. Duties.

It is the duty of each member to read and subscribe to our church covenant and this constitution; to habitually attend and take part in the church meetings; to live a life that is consistent with our doctrine and church covenant; to be a regular contributor to the local work and the missionary activity of this church.

Section 4. Dismissal.

(a) Any member in good standing, at the member’s request and by vote of the church, may have that person’s membership terminated by a vote of the church.
(b) After the proper steps of discipline have been taken as provided in Article VI. the name of the offending member shall, by vote of two-thirds majority of themembers present and voting, at any regular business meeting, be excluded from the church membership.


Section 1. Disagreement between members.

Should any disagreeable situation arise between members, the agrieved member and the church, in a loving and peaceful spirit shall carry out the rule of Christ in

Matthew 18: 15-17, and Galations 6:1.

Section 2. Church offences defined. Should a member become guilty of immoral or

unchristian conduct, or hold doctrinal views that are contrary and antagonistic to the New Testament, the pastor and deacons, or any special committee appointed for this

purpose shall endeavor to remove such offence.

Section 3. Procedure for Making Charges of Offenses.

Should the efforts of the pastor and deacons, or special committee fail in their efforts to remove such offence, they shall bring the charges before the church at the next regular or special business meeting, presenting in writing to the church the charges against the offender. An exact copy of the charges shall be made available to the offender at least one week in advance of the meeting. If the offender fails to appear or give satisfactory reasons and repent of the charges, the deacons shall recommend to the church that the offender be excluded from church membership and the church shall vote on the question.

Section 4 Termination of Membership for Lack of Attendance.

In the event of the absence from regular worship services for a period of three months or more, not caused by illness or absence from the city, a member may be considered as having given up their membership in the church. In such a situation the person shall be visited by the pastor and invited to return to to the services. If the member shall refuse or fail to return to the services this fact shall be reported to the church and shall be cause for dismissal from membership as provided in Section 3 of Article VI.


Section 1. Authority.

The government of this church is vested in its membership, executed through the Pastor and Board of Deacons who are at all times subject to the will of the membership. The church organization shall be as simple as is consistent with effective and efficient work in each department The democratic form of government shall be the order and the church shall be subject to no other organization than its own members in organized church capacity.

Section 2. Qualifications of Officers.

All elected officers of the church shall be chosen from among the active membership and shall be those who are scripturally qualified and capable of performing the duties of the office to which they are elected.

Section 3. Number and Duties of Officers.

(a) Pastor.
The pastor shall have general oversight of the spiritual life, regular services and the ministration of the ordinances of the church. He shall be ex-offico member of all board and committee meetings connected with the church or any of its organizations. He shall conscientiously perform such duties as may be arranged between the Board of Deacons and himself. If at any time his personal belief, preaching or teaching shall not be in full accord with the Doctrinal Statement of this church his services as pastor shall be terminated.

(b) Trustees.
The church shall have three Trustees, whose duties shall be to hold title to any real property owned by the church. Said trustees shall purchase, sell, lease or mortgage

any real property only upon proper authorization by a two-thirds vote of the church congregation. Each trustee shall be elected to serve for a term of three calendar years, arranged so that only one trustee is elected each year. If at any time his personal belief or manner of life shall not be in full accord with the Doctrinal Statement of this church, he shall be removed from office.

(c) Deacons.
The church shall have not less than three nor more than six deacons, whose duties shall be to administer the affairs of the church with the assistance of the pastor who shall meet with the deacons and shall have an equal vote with them. The Deacons shall administer all funds belonging to the church, including but not limited to the Duecker Memorial Fund. Each deacon shall be elected to serve for a term of five calendar years, arranged so that only one deacon is elected each year. Any man or woman who is a member, may be eligible for this office. If at any time their personal belief or manner of life shall not be in full accord with the Doctrinal Statement of this church, they shall be removed from office.

The deacons shall choose among themselves, the chairman, secretary and treasurer. The treasurer shall make all disbursements by check and all accounts shall require two signatures.

(d) Other Church and Sunday School Officers.
The Sunday School Officers shall also be elected annually to serve for the calendar year. The pastor shall appoint the pianist, organist, song leaders and hospitality committee to serve for the calendar year.

Section 4. Method of Election of Officers.

The method of election of the officers of this church shall be as follows:

Each office to be filled shall be voted on by secret ballot if more than one person is nominated. In order for a person to be elected that person must receive a majority of the votes cast.

Section 5. Majority Vote.

A majority vote of the members present and voting at any constitutionally called or regular business meeting of the church shall be required for the election of officers, or to render final decision in any matter under consideration with the following exception. Any amendment to this constitution, the decision to purchase, lease sell or mortgage property or exclude a member for reasons of discipline shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present. Voting to call or extend the term of the pastor shall be as set forth in Section 6.

Section 6. Call or extension of term of the Pastor.

When the church is without a pastor a vote to call one may be taken at any properly called or regular business meeting with a simple majority vote of those present required to name the new pastor for a term ending September 1st of the year specified in the vote. In June the pastor is to indicate to the deacons his willingness to serve for another year whereupon the deacons will present to the Semi-annual business meeting of the church the following proposition: Shall the pastor be called for another term? After a ballot vote either (yes or no), only if the yes votes total three-fourths or more shall the term be extended. If the yes votes are less than three-fourths of the voting members present the meeting may be open for nominations. At the pleasure of the meeting the matter may be postponed to a later date. The present pastor’s name may be placed into nomination with any other nominations and when the vote is taken only a simple majority shall be required to elect the pastor.

The pastor’s compensation shall be set by agreement with the deacons and shall be reviewed by the deacons each September and adjusted as they see fit. Allowances for

Auto, Parsonage, Utilities, Conferences and Conventions and other Expenses shall also be set by the deacons.


Section 1. Worship Meetings.

The church shall meet at such times as shall be decided by the church in regular or special business meetings or at times set by the pastor and deacons.

Section 2. Business Meetings.

(a) The fiscal year of this church shall be the calendar year. The time and frequency of regular business meetings shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any regular or duly called business meeting.

(b) The Annual Business Meeting shall be held on the Third Thursday of January in each year.

(c) The Mid-Year Business Meeting shall be held on the Third Thursday of July in each year

(d) The church may at any regular meeting for worship, receive members or decide urgent matters of business in cases of emergency.

(e) Special business meetings may be called by the pastor or deacons if such meetings are announced in advance in both the morning and evening worship services of the preceding Sunday.

(f) The quorum for the transaction of any business shall be not less than eight (8) members eligible to vote on the matters at hand.

Section 3. Social Meetings.
(a) The purpose of social meetings held in our facilities shall be to provide Christian fellowship among the members or their invited guests. The aim of social meetings shall be to increase interest in, loyalty to, and love for one another and the church.
(b) The use of the facilities and church property and equipment for social meetings may be granted as directed by the Board of Deacons only to church members, members of organizations under church control and their invited guests. They shall not be granted for private or personal social meetings not connected with the stated purposes and aim.
(c) (c) The conduct of all social meetings shall be consistent with our stated purpose and aim, with scriptural teachings and should be kept on the highest possible spiritual plane.
(d) (d) It is not the intention of the church to limit the use of the fellowship facilities for worship purposes alone and therefore use of the same shall be at the discretion of the Board of Deacons.


In the event that this church is ever dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of any outstanding liabilities shall be transferred to another Not-For-Profit organization for the spread of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and in no event shall they inure to the benefit of any individual.


This constitution and by-laws may be amended at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present, provided notice of the proposed change is given at least ten days in advance of said meeting.

Approved and adopted by the church on January 18,1990.